Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To Be or To Do

I've often said God cares more about who you are than what you are. I've had many a big dream and vision in my walk with God about what I wanted to do, but, for the first time in my life, I'm having a better vision of what I want to be. Chambers hits on this over and over again. How soon did he discover this in his own life. God has had me in the valley long enough, but always lets me back up the mountain only long enough to see the view from the top, but also the many other moutains and valleys ahead in my journey. I can only see so far and only God knows if I will make it to the next valley or to the descent back up. I like this better vision. God will take care of the being, then the doing.

" Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Workin' for Working Ranch

Just droppin' a note to say that I'm gonna be blogging for Working Ranch magazine for a bit to see if it works out. They are a tad skeptical on how many people will actually read it. I was hoping you all could help me out. Just click on the Working Ranch link on my homepage and go to the blog section. Or to make things easy just click here. So mosey on over and take a gander and help a greenhorn writer out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stock Tank Memories

I was always a little jealous of them city kids when I was young. Their parents bought them pool passes. They got to ride their bikes on pavement while I was forced to ride through boulder sized gravel. Any time they wanted to hang out they just walked across the street. There was no waiting for Mrs. Melon to stop tying up the party line to call your buddies. Then there was the 2 mile bike ride or 1 mile as the crow flies walk to meet up. Naw, them city kids had it made.

Lookin' back though I don't think I'd trade them suicide rides down a gravel road hill for pavement. I bet not many a city kid ever got to jump 20 ft into a heap of silage. How many of them high-rise hayseeds got to swim and fish in their pool. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm sure they had their share of fun, but so did I.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Captain Green Thumbs

I have to say that I am somewhat proud of my garden this year. It's nothing to make Toby Tobin (I'm sorry, but that can't be his real name.) proud, but I stuck with it the whole year. I know the year isn't done yet, but I'm already thinking of next year, e.g. small electric fence posts are no substitute for tomato cages and a dog will probably do a better job of keeping the critters out than peeing a perimeter every evening. A friend was telling me of a way to raise vegetables year round on fish poop. That'll add to my gardening experimentation for next year. Hopefully when I don't have any leftover onions next spring the guild won't revoke my card. I still need it for a discount at the video store.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jeep for Sale

My boss has recently decided to part with his beloved Jeep. It's a 1991 Grand Wagoneer with 399, 000 miles. He was hoping to make the 400, 000 mark, but upon turning 80 he decided that a more reliable vehicle might make for a wiser means of transportation. I have to say that I am disappointed. I'm not sure if I'll be able to recognize him coming down the road anymore. I've seen him in other vehicles and it's just not the same. I was for sure that the only way that Jeep and he part would be when the good Lord took either one of them. Which reminds me of a good joke. His wife was asked by a friend who wrote obituaries what she would want for her husbands. She quickly replied, "McKie died." Her friend reminded her that there is a five word minimum. She responded, "Jeep for sale." I guess she's gonna have to think of a different three words.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

SN103TW Chronicles

In the fall of 2007, Kirk, the manager at the ranch, was kind enough to give me one of his heifers, SN103, from that Spring's calf crop. I bred her myself, A.I.'d her that is (insert joke here) to Big Sky, gave her her full tag #, SN103T, and had a bull calf (SN103TV) with a little help from Kirk. Calf and mom are doing well. Had I been doing this blog at the time I probably would have started then, but instead I will update you time to time on her second calf and follow him/her wherever he or she ends up. Hopefully I will get a good heifer so I can continue this for a few years to come. I'll start where all life starts: conception. Here is Mr. 248T going out to do what he does best. The second pregnancy is the hardest to get so stay tuned for the rest of the story come Fall and preg checking.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rodeo Bible Camp

Last weekend I had the opportunity to be a team leader for 8 guys at a F.C.C. (Fellowship of Christian Cowboys) Rodeo Bible Camp. It was the junior camp ages 10-13. I've been doing the camp for the last 9 years off and on, only missing a couple of years. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy each camp and the people, adults and campers, that I've met. I've been limited to just the Jr. camps the last few years. It's just three days long and on the weekend so only one full day off of work is needed. I have a limited amount of vacation time and long to spend most of it with my family.

This year's camp was pretty standard. I had all the guys. There were eight. There were 29 girls. Girls love their horses. Trick riding seems to be the biggest draw. Horsemanship is second, esp. in the Jr. camp, and the timed events vary year to year. I had three ropers, Fynn, Tommy, and Brody; four steer riders, Lane, Logan, Ryan, and Justice; and one trick rider Franklin. I had Lane, Fynn, and Franklin last year. The rest of the guys were all new. Tommy was the son of a neighbor, Tracy Hines, that I grew up with. They seemed like they were all good kids.
I wish I had done things a bit different as far as my discipleship of them went, but between Ty, Ronnie, the instructors, and myself the gospel was presented. Now the ball is in their court. I hope that if they read this they will know that I will be praying for them and hoping to see them again next year or even before that. I hope they follow the advice offered in 1 John 2:15. This world is passing and there is only one guarantee in life: death. I hope everyday they ask themselves where their priorities lie and where their heart is. I hope they got the message that where you hang your hat for eternity doesn't depend on how good you are, how much money you put in the collection plate, how much you go to church, read your bible or even pray. I hope that they realize their only hope is in Christ.

A famous missionary once said, "He is no fool that gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Give all you can guys. Give your heart and know that Christs' blood on the cross and his resurrection are the only guarantee. It's not about you and your righteousness. Religion is hell. Christ is life, peace, and freedom. God bless.